Gratefulness...the Thanksgiving shopping list
Your 🛒 list may be long or short, but it's Quality over Quantity here Jack so, if your on the Upper Side of Needs, get on your knees
I am grateful that I didn't dance with Michael #1 Although he is a joyous sort of chap and it would have been a grand exit😊( I’m the one on the left slipping from his grasp)😉
But it just wasn’t my time……. .for she still watches.
‘She gently waves up to the creator “mission accomplished” as she lovingly looks upon where she left a human spirit to live and love again…….thata be me!
What is my angel watching for? Well, for starters she reminds me of lessons learned on the path to recovery and the importance of the conditions of my release…….Oh yes here it is
‘Our good Lord ordained that I make it through the first phase of my ordeal, but not without conditions…. I had to move but, not just across the city or one province over……..No this move had to be of great distance and permanent! Next condition, take complete love and care of Myself first!! Complete meaning physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Last but part the nonegoitible package……seek a better life in terms of relationships, environment and Love and Support!
(My notes, files and all of my papers are in such disarray!) You see, Bucky has gone………. …. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………out to the West Coast (just seeing if you were paying attention) Highball was supposed to be coming out here, but there was an incident. Suffice to say, Bucky called his Mom/his lawyer and it's all to be sorted, but Buck had to go out there, or Highball and a few sloppy chums would be cooling their hells in the dogound jail! Yes, I must catch you up a bit (Buck's got his own section so, full stories can be found there) For all new eyes here🤓 let's back up a bit (as Buck would say, don't do the beep beep beep) During Buck’s ‘break up’ with Minnie, which some here may recall, was an Interior Designer cutie of another mother, of whom Buck was besotted…sadly the whole affaire was unrequited……Anyway, Buck befriended this rather sympathetic librarian…some sort of poodle doodle mix or other, and when Buck got the call from Dean, (I will explain him later as well) he contacted Contessa and asked if she might consider taking his place here while he’s away. You see, Contessa did fill in for Buck once or twice before however, she was not named. I rather liked her gentle composure and efficient manner, so look for her in pages to come.
Back to it………
I am also grateful that Michael #2 didn't come stalking around.
That music is close enough for me. I was hoping I could include a video without his picture, horror flicks are like that….they kinda find ya😮
By the by, did you happen to guess or search that infamous line from ‘The Usual Suspects‘ flick?? Incidentally, that particular line also appears in the Bible, If I’m not mistaken, as I said I am not that type of Catholic.
What am I grateful for other than better heath, friends and environment? Well here’s my shopping list, and it is on the ‘Upper side of Needs’😀
A roof over my head with heat and water
Food access
Freedom to hope, dream, plan, AND WRITE….for these precious moments anyway
Although some Needs on the list are temporary in location and size they still count and will be followed through as all good planners and need seekers do!
Well, Happy Easter, and just be grateful for every healthy breath you take, cause there are so many who can’t even begin to take those all important steps forward.
Love and prayers, 😔 DE